
For young patients we treat up to their 18th birthday who continue seeing biomimetic practitioners, they have an almost zero risk of needing advanced, invasive treatments for the rest of their lives. This speaks to root canals, crowns and other catastrophic treatment. This is not speculation. This is what has been seen.
- Tim Rainey DDS

Every time a dentist drills into a tooth, you're condemning that person to a refilling years down the road.
- Dr. James Bader. UNC School of Dentistry
NY Times: November 28, 2011


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The Clark Gillies Foundation

The Clark Gillies Foundation is a non-profit corporation developed to help children who are physically, developmentally, and/or financially challenged. This assistance can be in the form of payments for medical servies, family financial aid, events to enhance the quality of life, and many other forms. Our goal is to help children improve the quality of life and be of assistance in a time of crisis.
Find A Biomimetic Dentist supports the Clark Gillies Foundation.

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