
Your efforts to mainstream minimally invasive adhesive dentistry are praiseworthy. Our profession, our patients, and the general public at large are in need of becoming acquainted with the benefits of biomimetic procedures.

I thought that a root canal and crown were the Gold Standard in fixing a bad tooth. In such a short time, I've learned so much.
- Chas H.
Santa Fe, NM


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True Facade Pictures

True Facade Pictures has worked with The Academy of Biomimetic Dentistry in producing high quality video recordings of ABD Conferences and with several members producing custom promotional videos for both their practices and the advancement of biomimetic dentistry.
See our health-oriented work and other productions at truefacadepictures.com Then, call us for a consultation.

Learning is an ongoing process and on this page, we present opportunitues for you to both learn more about Biomimetic dentistry as well as earn CE credits.