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Practitioner Testimonials:

A big thanks from all my patients!

Dr. Alleman is a vibrant and engaging speaker! His lecture was outstanding and has changed the way I think of composites. I am now applying much of his research-backed philosophies in my daily dentistry. It was one of those continuing eduction lectures that has been educational from beginning to end, rather than taking home just a few tips!

Global Surgical

A microscope benefits every procedure by helping you to better diagnose and predictably treat your patients. The clear magnified images that are possible with a dental microscope provide details that are difficult to see even with loupes.
Global Surgical

Bisco's Pro-V™

Bisco's Pro-V™ Provisional System Featuring the Immediate Dentin Sealing Technique

Membership in Find A Biomimetic Dentist - Terms

If you are a practicing dentist with a current unrestricted license  and , have either been biomimetically trained by any of these  Certifying Authorities, are a member of the listed Member Organizations, or are a recent dental school graduate of any of the listed institutions having a defined curriculum including biomimetic dentistry, then you are eligible to apply for inclusion in our service.

- Dr. David Alleman
- Dr. Simone Deliperi
- Dr. Didier Dietschi
- Dr. Newton Fahl
- Dr. Pascal Magne
- Dr. Graeme Milicich
- Dr. Matt Nejad
- ABD Member
- IAAD Member
- NZIMID Member
- WCMID Member
- Nijmegen Univ, Netherlands
- The Univ of Geneva, Switzerland
- Catholic Univ of Leuven, Belgium
- The USC School of Dentistry
   (Class of 2017)

Your listing in "Find A Biomimetic Dentist" is your assurance that people interested in Biomimetic dentistry... a highly targeted and growing demographic of informed patients... will find you. This helps patients find quality dentistry and helps you grow your business. And, you can't beat the price!

Currently, we know of about 300 dentists in 71 US markets and additional overseas markets who are biomimetically trained. Shouldn't you be listed?

Our policy is to make your listings available to the general public for as long as your membership is in force. While your membership is active, you will have access to our "Members Portal", where you can review metrics on presentations and other, global variables regarding consumer/patient interaction. You can also avail yourself of our growing list of Member Only Resources.

Listings cost US $295 per year. Listings are available across the globe and are presented for 1 year after payment is received and processed. No refunds are available after 45 days of your annual membership activation. Refund requests for new memberships (not renewals) will incur a $50 processing fee. Upcoming membership expiration notices are presented under the banner of each member portal page.

If you practice in more than one location, up to three locations are included at no additional charge.

Listing entries which are not confirmed by Accrediting Authorities will be listed as "Self-Reported". If you are listed as "Self-Reported" and wish to change your category, confirmation from an Accrediting Authority is required. If there are Accrediting Authorities of which we are unaware, please submit them for consideration for inclusion in our database.
There are no refunds based on your Accreditation status.

Biomimetic dentistry is at the tipping point in terms of awareness and adoption. We are also conducting significant outreach to legislators, foundations and the media in getting the message out about the health benefits and economic ramifications of biomimetic dentistry. Success in our outreach will help raise awareness.
Only about 0.2% of dental practitioners in the US are biomimetically trained. Your membership in "Find A Biomimetic Dentist" will make you stand out and be recognized in your local market!

For practitioners, "Find A Biomimetic Dentist" is best defined by this philosophy:

"If you want to put yourself on the map, make your own map!"

To apply for listing, please submit the "Apply For Listing" form.

You can get a preview of what our members-only pages look like here. (...opens a new window)